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John 7:38

He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of Living Water.

In the natural a river is a large stream of fresh water flowing along a definite course, usually into the sea; it is usually fed by other smaller streams of water.  Rivers play a essential role in shaping the surface of the Earth.


Similarly in the Spiritual a true spring (river) is continuously "supplied with water from the great deep, with which it has communication; so the soul of the genuine believer shall be supplied with light, life, love, and liberty, and all the other graces of the indwelling Spirit, from the indwelling Christ"(1).  The water of the indwelling Spirit (Holy Spirit) not only goes in, but also comes out; so that not only does the believer receive blessing, but he/she becomes a blessing to others.


Believing this, it is our responsibility to press into the Word of God to better understand His will, and thus keep the waterways open, and not clogged, so we can be effective beacons of light in this dying world.  In this quest, Training for the Kingdom endeavors to equip believers in their pursuit for More of Him through biblically based teaching workshops that supply practical application practices.

Additionally, as rivers flow freely to all corners of the earth; the internet, in this information age, is like a river.  It permits each of us to put our revelations of Jesus into this river so that it may FLOW freely to whosoever stands in need of a Word from the Lord.  Allowing us, through the anointing of the Holy Spirit, to play a part in shaping the mind and encouraging the heart of persons in this present hour and even days to come or years from now. 


We've all heard the saying, what goes on the internet stays on the internet!  Well to us Christians that should be a GOOD thing. It means people can tap into prayers, devotionals, bible studies, sermons, and encouraging words where ever, and whenever they need them.  Training For the Kingdom, endeavors to come along side Pastors, Evangelists, Exhorters, Lay Leaders, Church Administrators and more to give you the skills necessary to tap into this free flowing river to spread the Gospel of Jesus the Christ.  We will train you how you can successfully utilize this vast marketing tool even within the real world constraints of a tight budget.

I’ve got a river of life flowing out of me

Makes the lame to walk and the blind to see

Opens prison doors sets the captives free

I’ve got a river of life flowing out of me

Spring up oh well, within my soul

Spring up oh well, and make me whole

Spring up oh well, and give to me

That life, abundantly

Clarke, Adam. "Commentary on John 7". "The Adam Clarke Commentary". <>. 1832.  

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